Danh mục: news Đigi: Đổi
Launching project on digital transformation joint venture in higher education in Vietnam
As the only representative in Vietnam to join the Co-leaders of the project “DIGI: CHANGE” – Digital transformation joint venture in higher education in Vietnam, on February 14, Phu Xuan University cooperated with Liverpool John Moores University and British Council (the sponsor) organized the project launch program, with the participation of more than 60 universities,…
Digital consortium success in Vietnam
A British Council in Vietnam funded consortium led by Liverpool Business School has achieved national reach during its recent launch in Huế City, Vietnam. The Digi:Đổi Consortium (“đổi” meaning transformation in Vietnamese) is co-creating a new national strategic roadmap, training, mentoring and ongoing networks and resources to drive mutual digital transformation in universities across Vietnam and the UK. The…
Learning at Scale Symposium
Symposium Focus Large-scale delivery of learning and teaching is now a shared challenge and opportunity across the higher education sector – whether large cohorts or classes. This unique symposium focuses on the practical design of engaging students in large-scale courses, building on a large strategic project being conducted at The University of Sydney Business School…
Digi:Doi – New digital experiences for students
A project which pairs staff at UK and Vietnam universities to create new digital experiences for students gets going this week in Liverpool. The Digi:Doi project, funded by the British Council, holds its first UK Symposium on LJMU’s campus, with a series of talks and presentations on digital teaching and learning, mentoring and research. The…